
Tag: tearbookmarks

Programming Brainstorm

by on Apr.23, 2009, under life, python, thoughts

Every now and then when working on a program, I like to have a brainstorming session.  Usually I’m just lying comfortably in my bed, thinking of how I can expand a program more, remove bugs, or make it quicker or more stable.  Last night, I had a brainstorming session for tear bookmarks, and I thought I’d share my notes with everyone who reads this.

My brainstorming session basically consists of my tablet running xournal.  I get nice lined notebook paper, where I can write down any ideas that pop into my head.  I can then look at that later and go “No… that won’t work” or “Hmm… I might be on to something,” and try to implement it.

So, if you’d like to see what I’ve been thinking about for tear bookmarks, look at the following PDF: 2009-04-22-tearbookmarksbrainstorm.  Enjoy!

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tearboookmarks 0.3.1-4

by on Apr.22, 2009, under maemo, python

Last night, I relased tearbookmarks 0.3.1-4.  It’s a pretty major update, but I refuse to give it the 1.0 until tear itself is out of beta.  This release includes multiple new features.   First, the menu load is completely dynamic.  The plugin will first check if the bookmark database has been updated since it last grabbed its information.  If it has, it will update the menu, then display it.  If not, it’ll just show the menu.  Loading the menu items could take a bit of time, but I’ve done the best I could to make it as quick as possible.

Second, this release includes the long-awaited folders.  While tear itself doesn’t allow you to manage folders, bongo’s bookmark manager should (in the near future) have this option.  Folders show up at the bottom of the menu, below all your bookmarks, and also load dynamically, so they don’t take time while loading with the main menu.

Third, this release includes some better handling of how to open tear.  It removes the overhead needed to launch the tear executable if tear was already running, and is instead now using dbus directly.  It will also show the “Loading…” information box when launching tear for the first time.

Finally, this release includes bongo’s bookmark manager, including a shortcut to the bookmark manager in the menu.  This shortcut is placed in the same position as the default bookmark plugin, to mimic the actions of that plugin best.

tearbookmarks 0.3.1-4 is available in extras-devel for diablo only.  If you enable extras-devel to install tearbookmarks, please disable it immediately after.

Folders can be infinitely deep

Folders can be infinitely deep

Bookmark manager can now be launched from the bookmark menu

Bookmark manager can now be launched from the bookmark menu

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